The much-anticipated film Kottukkaali, featuring Soori and Anna Ben, is set to make its digital debut on Prime Video this Friday, as announced by the makers on Thursday. Directed by PS Vinothraj and produced by Sivakarthikeyan under his SK Productions banner, the film initially hit theaters on August 23, receiving rave reviews from both critics and audiences alike.
Kottukkaali has already garnered international acclaim. It was featured in the prestigious Forum section at the 74th Berlin International Film Festival and screened on February 16, 2024. The film also made waves at the Transilvania Film Festival and recently won the Grand Prix Award at the 22nd Amur Autumn International Film Festival in Russia.
We're excited and proud to unveil the trailer of #Kottukkaali! Experience the cinematic journey on the big screen from August 23.
— Sivakarthikeyan Productions (@SKProdOffl) August 13, 2024
▶️ #KottukkaaliTrailer in 4K HDR – @KalaiArasu_ @sooriofficial @PsVinothraj #AnnaBen
In our CE review, the film was praised for its subtlety and emotional depth: “Kottukkaali doesn’t manipulate your emotions with music or force reactions. Instead, it invites you into the world of Pandi and Meena and allows you to experience their journey in a raw, unfiltered way.”
Make sure to catch this critically acclaimed film as it premieres on Prime Video!