The Indian film industry is no stranger to big clashes, but 2026 is set to witness an epic face-off between two cinematic giants. Shah Rukh Khan (SRK) and Sanjay Leela Bhansali (SLB) are gearing up for a massive box-office showdown during the Eid 2026 weekend with their films King and Love & War. This marks the third time the two will be competing at the box office, after their memorable clashes in 2007 and 2015.
A Battle of Cinematic Titans
Shah Rukh Khan, known for his larger-than-life action films, is confident that King, an out-and-out action-packed entertainer, will be a blockbuster. The film promises to serve fans with everything they expect from an SRK release—thrills, high-octane action, and his signature charisma. The film is scheduled to hit the floors in January 2025, ensuring ample time for a perfect Eid release.
On the other hand, Sanjay Leela Bhansali, celebrated for his grandiose storytelling and visually stunning films, announced his upcoming historical drama, Love & War. SLB’s films are known for their intricate plotlines, breathtaking visuals, and strong characters. His last film, Padmaavat, remains etched in memory, and Love & War is expected to carry the same cinematic brilliance.
Eid 2026: A Perfect Weekend for a Clash
The timing of the releases is significant. Both films aim to capitalize on the extended holiday period during Eid, which overlaps with Ram Navami and Good Friday in 2026. This prolonged festive window ensures ample footfall at the cinemas, making it an ideal moment for a mega release.
According to insiders, this clash wasn’t planned, but rather a coincidence of great minds thinking alike. SLB had long been considering Eid 2026 as the perfect release date, and SRK’s team made their decision public just moments before Bhansali did. Despite the potential rivalry, there’s a sense of mutual respect between the two cinematic stalwarts, both regarded as pioneers of Indian cinema in their own right.
A History of Clashes
This will be the third time SRK and SLB go head-to-head. Their first clash in 2007 saw SRK’s Om Shanti Om up against Bhansali’s Saawariya. While Om Shanti Om became a massive commercial success, Saawariya struggled at the box office. In 2015, SRK’s Dilwale took on SLB’s Bajirao Mastani, with Bhansali’s historical epic emerging victorious in both critical acclaim and box-office numbers.
As we approach Eid 2026, fans and critics alike are bracing for another high-stakes battle, with both King and Love & War expected to dominate the cinematic conversation.
Final Thoughts
The SRK vs. SLB clash in 2026 promises to be one of the most exciting cinematic events in recent memory. With two powerhouse films set for release, the audience is in for a treat. Whether you’re a fan of Shah Rukh Khan’s action-packed performances or Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s cinematic grandeur, Eid 2026 is shaping up to be an unforgettable moment for Bollywood.